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This is a paragraph and the font color is blue.
This is a paragraph and the font color is #6600FF, a "web safe" color. You can tell this by the double digits in its name - 66 and 00 and FF. Colors that don't have these double digits in their names aren't "web safe," but don't let that scare you. For our purposes, it is not a big deal.
This is a paragraph and the font is bold.
This is a paragraph and the font is italic.
This is a paragraph and the font size is 5.
This is a paragraph which is centered. This is a paragraph which is centered. This is a paragraph which is centered. This is a paragraph which is centered. This is a paragraph which is centered. This is a paragraph which is centered. This is a paragraph which is centered. This is a paragraph which is centered.
This is a link to Dhyana HTML Basics (our previous lesson page). It will open "Dhyana HTML Basics" in a blank page, and this page will still be open. Note: depending upon your browser settings, "Dhyana HTML Basics" may maximize, thus hiding this page. However, this page will still be open, even though it is hidden by Dhyana HTML Basics. You can confirm this by looking down at your task bar where you will see that both pages are open.
This is a link to Dhyana HTML Basics (our previous lesson page) that will exit you out of this page. (Please come back here though - I put a link on Dhyana HTML Basics to get back here.)
This is an email link to my Yahoo address. Clicking on it will (or should, depending on your computer setup) open your email editor and pop my email address in there. Please feel free to use it! Please email me!
Following is the centered fart tag. Fortunately for you, I have included the controls so you can start and stop it at will. Further for your benefit, I have set its parameters to "autostart" and "loop" = "false." (Actually, this is the "embed" tag which is used for placing media plug-ins such as sound files in your page.) You may have to press the start button twice to hear this dulcet tone. I did. I don't know why. Guess the darned thing just doesn't want to cooperate. They rarely do . . .
Below is the plane you that will fly you to Bangor. It is a DC-3, and it flies in reverse the whole way. Guess this is what they mean by "free miles." (Don't worry, little one - this is really the image tag . . .)
The above DC-3 was a collaborative effort. I found the photo, extracted the image, and animated some clouds, all in my Fireworks program. It was your hubby's idea to fly 'er backwards. My friend, Phil, researched the colors and placement of the landing lights. I'm having trouble speeding 'er up though. No matter what frames-per-second I specify in Fireworks, the darned thing stays at the same speed. Gotta look into that.
The DC-3 will make a sound like this (dang - you may have to press start twice on this one too - gotta look into that. It's always something):
Your Grandpa doesn't like DC-3s. Says he has flown thousands of miles on them, but they're too noisy. They don't have mufflers. I personally love DC-3s.
Note: If the above two sound files open your media player and hide this page, please let me know. I finally solved this problem with the great help of my friend Phil.
Here is the ordered list tag. For example purposes, I have applied it to one of my favorite poems:
Here is the unordered list tag - Confucius Say:
Table tags including rows and cells (called "table data"):
Hu Flong Dong Chinese Restaurant - Menu |
Item | Price |
Big Bowl 4-Treasure Frog | $4.95 |
Big Bowl Fresh Immerse Miscellaneous Germ | $6.95 |
Big Bowl Flavor Vegetables Pig Livings Bowel | $5.95 |
Big Bowl Gold Mushroom Cowboy Meat | $7.95 |
Big Bowl A Bamboo Gingko Tripe | $8.95 |
Big Bowl Flavor Immerses Pork Kidney | $6.95 |
Big Bowl Bow of Immerses From Fish Head | $4.95 |
Big Bowl White of Immerses Three Pill | $6.95 |
Big Bowl Fresh Ginseng Immerses Chicken | $7.95 |
The below link will take you to the Miss Management home page and exit you out of this More Basic page - www.missmanagement.com