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In a previous email to you, I said this:
"I don't know if you are at all interested in this but I have a really neat trick if you would like to do it - create a web page using Windows Notepad and view it in your browser! Take you 1 minute tops!"
Well, you just did it!
Great fun, wasn't it?
Common Cursors
What the cursor is this??? Could it be Buddy animated?
cursor: auto.
cursor: crosshair.
cursor: default.
cursor: pointer (or: "hand" - just IE).
cursor: move.
cursor: text.
cursor: wait.
cursor: progress.
cursor: help.
Resize Cursors
cursor: hand.
cursor: e-resize.
cursor: ne-resize.
cursor: nw-resize.
cursor: n-resize.
cursor: se-resize.
cursor: sw-resize.
cursor: s-resize.
cursor: w-resize.
cursor: row-resize.
cursor: col-resize.
Vertical Text
cursor: vertical-text.
cursor: all-scroll.
cursor: no-drop.
cursor: not-allowed.
cursor: url-Cartman